
Episode 0017 The Growing Pains of My Manhood

Episode 17 Outline

Episode 17 Outline


Join the obtuse triangle of Blarv, Heathen, and Beer maker Matt as they tackles this week’s episode.  Episode contains an 80s/90s quiz, a new sponsor from Zoo Food Industries, and plenty of rum, helped to go down by Heathen’s End of Innocence cocktail.  In feature presentation, they use the Richard Linklater movie, “Boyhood”, as a conversation starter and tell us what their own personal version of the movie might be.  This episode gets very wet and and ends up being a little long once fully engorged.  Even, though we try to do very little editing on the Potable Podcast (for better or worse) this episode had about 45 minutes of extra content removed.  These tangents and side conversations all had their value, but we try to keep these episodes around 90 minutes and less than 2 hours so some things had to go.  Until next time…. enjoy.

Heathen Reads the News

Heathen Reads the News




IMG_1717 IMG_1718 IMG_1722

End of Innocense

End of Innocense




Beer Maker Matt

Beer Maker Matt

1 thought on “Episode 0017 The Growing Pains of My Manhood

  1. Pingback: End of Innocence | The Potable Pictureshow

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